Used Gear


Are you looking to part ways with some gear? Well, we are here to help. Now first we must remind you that you will always get more money for your gear if you were to sell it yourself. However, this obviously takes a lot of time and trouble, including potentially having to package your gear and safely shipping it to its new home. If you are looking for someone to take this burden from you and help you move on from this gear, then we will do our best to help you out!

We also want to be very transparent with you about potentially purchasing your gear from you. Typically, what we will do is find the fair market value/expected sale price (by doing some research on Reverb, eBay, etc), and then we offer 60% of this expected sale price. We know...that may be a little less than what you were hoping for but since we will be taking care of getting the gear ready for resale, handling any selling fees that may take place if sold online later, as well as potential shipping expenses, this helps us be able to make the transaction with you. 

If you'd like to let us know what type of gear you are looking to sell, please fill out the form* below and if what you've got is something we are interested in, we will reach out via phone and/or email to gather any extra information we may need. 

We look forward to hearing from you and seeing if we can make a deal! 

*Please know that all used gear transactions must start on this form as we do not accept walk-ins for used transactions. 

                                                   Sims Music Used Gear